
Thumb sucking: When to be concerned

Thumb sucking is normal for babies. They feel safe and secure while sucking their thumb. It also helps them learn about their world and the developing teeth. Thumb sucking in kids is soothing, it induces sleep, and even brings a calming factor when the child is separated from his parents or is in a stressful situation.

A child usually sucks his thumb when he or she is bored, tired, or upset.

Experts suggest that children should be encouraged to stop thumb sucking by the age of 4 years. Continuation of vigorous thumb sucking habit can lead to changes in palate and teeth alignment. It is important that a proper bite is formed for adult teeth when milk teeth are replaced and this is done when thumb sucking is stopped at the right time. Beyond an overbite, some children might also develop speech problems like trouble with S and other tongue tips sounds with extended thumb sucking.

Prolonged thumb sucking can also cause various other problems like chapped skin, calluses, and fingernail infection. During winters the child’s skin might become excessively dry and this would want him to suck it even more.

Usually the child stops or changes the thumb sucking habits with support and encouragement given from parents. Most children tend to give up the habit on their own before they enter kindergarten.

Tips to help stop thumb sucking in children

  • Praise your child when he/ she doesn’t indulge in thumb sucking. Being positive is really important and will encourage the child to continue to not suck.
  • Try to distract your child when he/she starts thumb sucking. Play a game, tell them a story, or show them an interesting video.
  • Add a band-aid or sock to your child’s hand as a reminder that thumb sucking is a bad habit and he/ she needs to get rid of it.
  • If your child sucks his/ her thumb when anxious or tensed, try and find ways to alleviate that anxiety and tension.
  • Work with your dentist and explain them your child’s habit of thumb sucking. The dentist might suggest some effective solutions.
  • You can tell your child that his/her other friends will thing that they are still small babies who suck their thumb.
  • Get chewelry (chewable jewelry) for your child. It’s a great substitute for when the child feels the urge to suck his/her thumb.
  • You can also get plastic thumb covers which are easy to put and remove.
  • Keep a progress chart and share the update with your child. This encouragement will motivate him/her to keep doing the good behavior of not sucking thumb.

There are chances that your dentist or pediatrician might give some bitter medicine to coat the thumb and in this way your child will not do excessive thumb sucking. Your dentist might give a device to insert in your child’s mouth that would prevent sucking. These appliances are usually called palatal bar or crib and come in fixed and removable forms.

Breaking a habit is not easy, and especially for small children. Make sure to take it slow, appreciate them and encourage them at every step. Don’t pressurize your child to stop thumb sucking. This will only make matters worse. Be conscious about their thumb sucking problem and deal with it in a cohesive manner. Their oral health, speech, and smile depends on how well you help them to get rid of their thumb sucking habit.


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