
Things to Expect in Your Dental Appointment During the Pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way we work and live. Work from home is the new normal, people avoid stepping out of home and masks have become the most important part of their attire. Due to the lockdown, you might have not seen your dentist also for a considerable period now. However, with the withdrawal of various lockdown restrictions, dental clinics have now fully functional with utmost care and precautionary measures in place. You should be aware of the following changes while visiting your dentist in the new pandemic era:

  • Before appointment: To make sure that you are healthy when arriving for your appointment, some staff from  your dentist’s clinic may call to enquire about your current health. When you arrive for your appointment, they may again enquire about your health, to make sure nothing has changed. There can also be a restriction on the number of people you can bring to the appointment, and they may also enquire about your travel and medical history before confirming your appointment. So, avoid visiting a dentist if you have cough, cold, fever or any other flu related symptom.

  • At the appointment: Be sure to wear a mask at your appointment and carry a sanitiser. When you reach, they may ask you to wait outside, till the earlier patients have been released by the Doctor. This is done to protect both you and the other patients. After the waiting, when you enter, your temperature and oxygen saturation will be checked. It is imperative to use shoe covers or remove the footwear before entering the premises. Inside the clinic, you might notice the absence of newspapers, magazines, and toys. This is a sensible precaution towards COVID-19. You may be provided with a hand sanitizer, to clean your hands and wipe on items you touch. When you are with the dentist, you may notice some differences from your past visits. The computer keyboard may be covered in a transparent disposable sheet, which can be changed between patients. Your dentist may be equipped with different protective gear (like PPE kit) than the last time you saw them. Yes, you will barely recognize your dentist this time given the new space suit makeover! This could include a different mask, face shield, goggles, gloves, and protective gown. These precautions can help protect both, you and your dentist.
  • After the appointment: After your appointment gets over. The clinic staff will thoroughly sanitize the area you occupied with disinfectant to make sure that it is safe for the next patient. This reduces the risk of anyone catching COVID-19 infection. In case you feel any of the COVID-19 symptoms then please call your dentist’s office immediately. The virus may have been dormant inside you during your dental visit. In such a situation, anyone who had contact with you is at risk of getting sick as well. To conclude, regular visits to a dentist’s clinic is necessary to maintain your oral and overall health. Please stop procrastinating your dental woes and choose your dentist wisely, who are trustworthy and taking all necessary precautions. Wish you good health and safety.

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