
Root Canal Vs Tooth Extraction: What to Choose?

A root canal and tooth extraction are two different procedures available when a tooth has suffered from an extensive amount of damage that can’t be remedied by a simple drill and fill procedure. Although choosing between one can prove to be a difficult decision, learning more about both methods can help you choose.

People are usually so frightened to go for a root canal that they rather have a tooth pulled. Even though wisdom tooth extraction is a cheaper option, one must try to preserve their real teeth as long as possible.

Root Canal: Saving wisdom tooth extraction

A root canal is a dental procedure used by a dentist to repair the infected arear without wisdom tooth extraction. The process involves removing the inside part of the damaged tooth and clean the infected area. Subsequently, the antimicrobial solution is applied before the tooth is filled and sealed.

The procedure of Root Canal

The Root Canal treatment is a complex procedure, so, the first step is getting an X-ray. It will help the dentist to determine the condition of your tooth and locate the infected ones.

The patient is then injected with local anesthesia on the affected tooth so that he/she does not feel anything while the treatment is being carried out.

Next, using small tools, the endodontist creates an opening in the infected area. Using that opening, the endodontist extracts all the damaged pulp from the crown and the roots. This process is called pulpectomy. The tooth is then filled with material that can be reabsorbed by the body. The dentist also places a crown on top of the infected tooth to ensure proper healing.

Tooth Extraction:  The last possible option

A root canal is always considered the best option to recover an infected or damaged tooth. One should always prioritize saving what is natural. In this case, also, wisdom tooth extraction is the last recourse.

The procedure of Tooth Extraction

When the dentist determines that there is no other procedure that can be used to recover the infected tooth, they recommend this method. Such a situation occurs when the tooth is too damaged and there isn’t enough supporting tooth structure to do a root canal.

After finalizing the option, the treatment commences. The very first step is to numb the damaged area so that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery.

With the use of special tools, the dentist then starts loosening the tooth before pulling it out.

Wisdom tooth extraction is not an easy procedure like a root canal. Since there will be bleeding, your doctor will provide you with a piece of gauze that will help your blood clot.

Post tooth extraction treatment, slight swelling may occur in the extraction area. Thus, you must stick to soft food and also opt for gentle brushing for one or two following days.

Which One Is Better?

Root Canal is the best option to choose from here. The process fixes your natural tooth so that you can keep it.

Nevertheless, if there is a situation where the root canal treatment is not helpful and, you are obliged to choose the root extraction, work with your doctor and find ways to fill that empty space.

Whenever you feel any confusion, refer to your endodontist for the best possible option. They’ll brief you about the pros and cons of both the procedure and the best treatment for you, considering the condition of the damaged tooth.

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