
Root Canal Treatment and What Comes With It

Adults often complain of gum problems or tooth pain. With age, our dental health deteriorates. There are also instances when tooth pain can be at an early stage of one’s life. Instead of opting for the removal of your damaged or painful tooth, one can opt for root canal treatment in Gurgaon and at other places as well. This blog today attempts to bring a holistic approach to the procedure for root canal, what to expect, and how to ensure a speedy recovery after the treatment.

What is the procedure for root canal?

Well, Root Canal Treatment or RCT is a process that involves four major steps—sedation, drilling, cleaning, and filling. Let us know a little more about these four steps.

  1. Sedation: As the name suggests, during the procedure, the first step is to make the area of treatment numb through sedation (local anesthesia). This is an important step owing to the painful tooth that needs correction.

  2. Drilling: Although the term may sound scary, the drilling is done under professional supervision. Drilling for root canal treatment in Gurgaon or any other city takes place with special tools used only for this purpose. A hole is made centered in the tooth for further process to take place.

  3. Cleaning: The damaged part of the tooth is then cleaned and sanitized. This steps typically involves the removal of nerve and blood supply of the tooth with specialized instruments and disinfectant.

  4. Filling: This is the final step in the procedure for root canal. In this step, you can expect the tooth to be filled with a dental filling both in the root and crown portion.

Anxiety will happen, and if you are anxious about your root canal treatment in Gurgaon or, for that matter, in any other city, you should read more about this process and feel at ease. This will prepare you mentally, and the process will appear familiar to you.

At the same time, one should not become careless after the RCT. The crucial part comes now, i.e., the recovery. For speedy recovery without further complications, one must follow a few steps. We have tried to jot down those points for your convenience.

Steps to follow after the procedure for root canal

  1. Dental Hygiene: Don’t assume that you have undergone the treatment; therefore, you won’t have to worry about your dental hygiene. It is even more imperative after the procedure that you take care of your dental hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. Just a little carefulness while brushing and flossing should do.

  2. Eating Vigilance: We eat with the help of our teeth. Now that you have completed the root canal treatment in Gurgaon or elsewhere, ensure that you keep a check on what you eat and what you don’t. Say goodbye to sticky food items and say yes to semi-fluids and fluids more. Avoid chewing from that side until the crown is fixed on the root canal-treated tooth.

  3. Medicines: After the procedure for root canal, the dental surgeon must have prescribed medicines. Follow the medicine routine religiously for a speedy recovery. We tend to take our dental medicines lightly. Don’t make that mistake.

  4. Follow-Up: The last thing that you must remember to do without fail is to go for your follow-up checkup. It will determine how your tooth has been healing and recovering.

With all that said, you may have gained more confidence in going for your root canal surgery if you have been avoiding it for a long time.


Are you still anxious? Get in touch with Dental Panache team to get the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon. Our clients always have good things to share about us. We also provide other services, such as teeth whitening, dental implants, Invisalign, etc. Contact us today.

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