
Right Age To Start Braces Treatment

“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight”, more so with a properly aligned beautiful set of teeth. It is fairly accepted because aesthetics has become paramount for every age group irrespective of gender or ethnic background. It is a common sight to spot people in every phase of life confidently flaunting Braces because they know the transformation is worth it! Have you ever wondered about the right age for starting braces treatment? As a parent, you can gauge if your child needs smile correction but figuring the best time and appropriate age to commence the treatment remains a mystery. Let’s unfold the facts to give you greater insight in solving the Braces puzzle.

  • Braces For Children

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the first evaluation for Braces treatment should be done when permanent teeth start erupting, typically between 7-10 years of age. Since the child is in the growing stage, early intervention at this stage before all the permanent teeth have erupted, may help in guiding future jaw development and final tooth positions. This interceptive treatment can help in reducing the total time and cost involved in subsequent final corrections.

  • Interventional Treatment using removable Appliances

Usually, braces treatment is started after the eruption of all/most of the permanent teeth between the age of 11-14 years. This is the ideal time because many kids in the class are already flaunting braces at this point in time. It is considered trending and kids can easily pull through the treatment owing to similar experiences shared by their peers. Invest in your child’s smile to give them an edge both in appearance and function which is extremely crucial as they grow up.

  • Braces For Adults

There is no age limit for starting Braces treatment- That’s right! If you missed the opportunity of getting your smile makeover during childhood or the treatment relapsed (teeth position changed despite treatment), wait no longer to commence the treatment. Usually, after 18 years of age, third molars erupt and start pushing the teeth forward due to lack of available space. Moreover, we definitely can’t afford to spoil her selfies at that age due to some unwanted guests (Wisdom teeth/ third molars).


  • Ceramic Braces

Multiple options have been devised to implement teeth correction in inconspicuous ways so that journey is smooth and yet not apparently visible. Adults usually opt for ceramic braces, lingual braces, or clear aligners (AI-designed customized plastic trays). Since adults are highly conscious of their appearance, Invisalign is becoming increasingly popular and accepted globally. Dental Panache offers a multitude of options to suit your budget for smile correction at any age!

  • Are Braces Painful?

In all candor, starting with braces treatment will result in pain/discomfort, soreness, ulcer, cheek or tongue abrasions for the first few days of the treatment. It takes a while to acclimatize to the brackets, wires, and bands, and gradually the discomfort fades away. While your teeth are shifting their base within the bone, it is inevitable to feel gnawing ache briefly. Since the wire is tightened every month, expect some soreness for the initial few days of every appointment. Every passing month gets better with a significant reduction in unpleasantness and visible changes in teeth alignment.

  • Kick Start Your Braces Journey In Gurgaon

If you are looking for the best Braces Treatment in Gurgaon, look no further because our Orthodontist is from Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, the best dental institute in the country. We take pride in delivering stunning results in the minimum possible time frames! Contact us at 7290073613 for further details.

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