
How to avoid consuming acidic foods & drinks that are bad for oral health?

India is home to countless festivals and celebrations, which means throughout the year we get ample opportunities to indulge in our favourite food items. These may seem quite exciting but are harmful for your oral health. Tradition and customs often put sweet and acidic food items on top of the list. Moreover, acidic foods and drinks can cause a lot of damage than sugar. They can prove to be worst for your dental health and should be controlled.

Dental clinics recommend evading:

  • Lemons
  • Grapefruits
  • Limes
  • Oranges
  • Wine
  • Fish
  • Pickles and much more….

The above-mentioned foods can cause sensitivity and can be harmful to your teeth. They are bad because of their low pH level and can harm your enamel to a deeper level.

Why they hurt so much?

When we consume acids in the form of eatables, they cause tooth enamel to wear away. Teeth, in return, can become stained. When this situation arises, there is a great threat for you to face Sensitivity. Brushing teeth is a great idea but in that case, as well, brushing right away after consuming acidic food can be dangerous. As a result, demineralization can lead to tooth decay.

Ways to lower tooth erosion

To lower the effect of acid on your teeth, dental Clinic & Dentist in Gurgaon recommend the following tips:

  • Eat acidic foods with meals: The best idea to avoid any damage to your teeth, it is good to eat acidic foods with your regular meals. They will help you avoid the danger of tooth decay and sensitivity.

  • Use a straw: Well, you can avoid acidic beverages to attack your teeth by sipping it with a straw. This will help in reducing their contact with your teeth. Instead of sipping the same for a longer time, try having it quickly.

  • No-sugar drinks are a must: Popular dentist clinics want people to consume non-sugary drinks. They recommend having coconut water, tea, and water.

  • Wait for a little: Acid can weaken your enamel, so it is better to brush your teeth at least after half an hour having your meal. In between, individuals can rinse their mouth with tap water.

  • Rinse with water: Make it a habit to flush your mouth thoroughly with water after every meal and drink tones of plain water to keep yourself hydrated.

  • Restricted mealtimes: Stuffing your mouth with food intermittently throughout the day does more harm than restricting to sugary treats during mealtimes. Allow your saliva to neutralize the mouth and remineralize the teeth by sticking to 3-5 meals in a day.

More tips and advice

Dental erosion is a sign of having sensitive teeth  When sensitivity arises, it is better to visit the dentist. The dentists at the Dental Clinic & Dentist in Gurgaon, help individuals in calming down the sensitivity with the help of rinses, varnishes, and gels.


Most of the dental clinics urge people to go for the alkaline diet as it can prove to be a Healthy Alternative. Having fresh fruits and vegetables, along with curbing the sugar, dairy intake, refined carbohydrate and more can help in balancing pH levels.

Reduced sugar intake with a plant-heavy diet has many health benefits. This can reduce daily problems and lower the possibility of certain long-term health hazards.

Lastly, there are many kinds of toothpaste that are available in the market. It is useful to research for the one that can help in reducing the effect of the symptoms.

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