
All You Need to Know About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The wisdom tooth is commonly known as the third molars, and the last to erupt in our mouth. People tend to get these new teeth usually in their teenage years and in the early twenties. There are some cases where people get their wisdom teeth in late adulthood as well.

There are situations where this extra molar erupts in a perfectly aligned way. And in such cases, they might prove to be useful for the person. However, if the wisdom tooth is in a misaligned form, it can create several issues in the mouth such as damaging the adjacent teeth, and will have to be extracted.

Is it Necessary to Remove Wisdom Tooth?

When a  wisdom tooth erupts, it may or may not cause problems depending upon the way it has erupted. If it is aligned, it is not necessary to remove it as it will be in its rightful place. But, if it is misaligned and comes out in a disrupted way, it might create problems for the adjacent tooth leading to pain and crowding the mouth.

When your mouth doesn’t allow the tooth to emerge properly due to less space, it creates the wisdom tooth to emerge at an unnatural angle leading to various problems. Dentists advise getting the tooth removed as soon as possible as delaying it might lead to various diseases, heavy bleeding, and even slight loss of movement in the jaw.

Common Symptoms that Suggests You Should Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed

If you see your wisdom tooth popping out, there might come some problems along the way. To look for the right symptoms to get rid of your extra molars is very important. What you need to look for is:

  • Increase in pain behind the molars
  • Swelling, sensitivity, and redness
  • Bad breath or bad taste
  • Stiffness and excessive pain in the Jaw
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth
  • Referred pain on that particular side of the face including ear, head, eye etc.

Should Wisdom Teeth be Removed?

Wisdom teeth may/ought to be rooted out in the event of any issues. Your dental specialist will want to help and guide you with judgment:

  • Crowding: The nearby teeth are getting hurt. Due to the misalignment of wisdom teeth in the event that ejects in some unacceptable point, it can hurt other teeth.
  • Jaw Damage: Wisdom teeth can harm your nerves making the jaw hurt.
  • Gum Problem: It will be hard to clean the region which brings about swelling of the tissue.
  • Cavities: The pocket is made because of enlarged gums resulting in cavities in adjacent tooth.

Post Wisdom Tooth Removal

  • Stay away from heavy rinsing of the mouth and touching the region
  • On the off chance that you begin to feel the pain, take the endorsed medications
  • A specific measure of bleeding is normal, in any case, assuming the bleeding increases, visit your dental specialist right away
  • Swelling around the mouth and cheeks is normal for a few days
  • Be on a fluid eating routine for the initial days. Keep away from the utilization of straw
  • Do brush two times a day, however ensure you are not too harsh while rinsing

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