
8 Tips To Oral And Dental Care For Kids

As a responsible parent, it is your duty to look into the complete well-being of your child. Tell them that brushing their teeth twice a day and taking care of oral hygiene is important. Maintaining proper oral hygiene from an early age can help prevent various dental problems. As new parents you might be clueless about your child’s dental care needs. It is best that you talk to a pediatric dentist to know all the details.

Importance of Dental Care

Children tend to eat a lot of sweets and junk food. If they don’t brush their teeth properly, there are chances that some food particles remain stuck between the teeth. This can cause acid build up, plaque, and tartar. Due to acid buildup, the enamel on the tooth starts eroding, and this will gradually lead to a cavity.

It is essential that you take the essential steps to ensure that your child’s dental hygiene in maintained.

Follow these 8 tips to oral and dental care for kids

  1. START EARLY: Inculcate the habit of oral care at an early age for your child. Basics like brushing their teeth twice a day is something that’s most easy. And with age you can introduce the concept of mouth wash and floss as well.

  2. VISIT YOUR DENTIST: Pediatric dentist  is a specialist in kid’s dental and oral healthcare. So once your child starts getting his/her permanent teeth, you should visit a dentist. The dentist might teach your kid certain rules for proper dental hygiene and he would also guide your child about the right oral care practices. An early introduction to a dental office helps in avoiding dental anxiety about any future problems and helps the dentist in building a rapport with the child.

  3. USE A FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE: A toothpaste enriched with fluoride makes the enamel strong and will protect your child’s teeth against cavities. Talk to your pediatric dentist about the best fluoride toothpaste suitable for your child.

  4. RESTRICT SUGARY STUFF TO MEALTIMES: Stagnant remnants of sticky sweet treats are the worst deterrent for teeth leading to acidic environment and subsequent decay. Always allow intake of sugary savories along with the meal and restrict frequent snacking of unhealthy stuff. Inculcate the habit of rinsing the mouth with water after eating EVERYTIME!

  5. TEACH THEM THE ILL-EFFECTS OF UNHEALTHY FOODS AND DRINKS: Sugary foods, frizzy drinks, chocolates, candies, and packed juices are some of the items that contain maximum sugar and are most harmful for your kid’s dental health. Teach them the adverse effects of these foods and make them understand that excess of such food products can cause cavities and yellowing of teeth.

  6. FLOSSING IS MOST IMPORTANT: In India, the concept of flossing is not popular at all. But overseas, even small children know the importance of flossing for their dental health due to early introduction at home/school. Encourage and teach your child to floss their teeth.

  7. BRUSHING BEFORE BEDTIME: Adults and kids should DEFINITELY brush their teeth before going to bed. It helps in removing leftover food traces and germs. Teach your kids the habit of brushing twice a day. This will reduce bacterial growth and help build stronger teeth.

  8. DENTAL KIT IS A SAVIOR: If your child wears braces, then it is recommended that you carry a small and handy dental kit for him/her. It should have the basics like – toothpaste, toothbrush, and mouth wash.

Oral dental care cannot be taught to your child in a day. It’ll take time. Be patient and take it slowly. If you want your child’s dental health to be in the best condition, get in touch with an expert Pediatric dentist . He will guide you the right way to take care of your child’s overall dental health which will avoid all kinds of dental problems.

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